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( Why am I even reading this ? )
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Posted on: 13 December 2014

As you might know, gpg-agent is a little program you can use to avoid typing your gpg's passphrase everytimes you need it. I've recently had an issue with gpg-agent failing in graphical mode, here is the solution to this problem, along with a small background information.

Some background

Pinentry graphical sample

To work, gpg-agent typically communicates with a program that has the responsability of requesting your passphrase. This program is called pinentry, and there are several implementations available, depending on your uses and desktop.

pinentry typically shows a graphical screen requesting the passphrase, giving some information about the context of the application that requests the passphrase. When the graphical mode is not available though, there is a fallback mode in text mode (curses)

One issue I've had with it recently was that on two of my computers, the graphical mode didn't work at all. I could decrypt files in text mode only, which meant that decrypting failed if there was no controlling terminal.

The solution $ gpg-agent --daemon --enable-ssh-support --keep-display $ blah $ blah $ blah